Thursday, August 27, 2020
Evaluation of Sources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assessment of Sources - Assignment Example 1. My examination point is biodiesel. This distribution assists with widening the extent of the point by giving important data in regards to elective wellsprings of biodiesel and furthermore more advantages of this item. 2. Being a member to the state administration of Texas, the workplace is commanded to give solid and exact report to people in general. This along these lines implies that the report and the data contained are sound. 1. This report has acquired data from different master zones. These incorporate the U.S Department of Energy, the Office of Scientific and Technical data, U.S. Division of Transportation †elective fuel guidelines and Environment Protection Agency. This makes the report exact and solid for the investigation. 3. The primary reason for this report is to clarify in subtleties the real factors concerning the history and the creation of biodiesel in Texas. The inspiration for this report is the way that Texas is the main state in the creation of biodiesel in America. 1. This post is identified with my theme, biodiesel in that to investigate progressively about biodiesel and its utilization, I will require to become familiar with the assortment of mixes of biodiesel accessible. This will help in giving a significant contention. 2. It will assist me with investigating the measure of carbon emanation from every one of these mixes. With this data, it will be conceivable to investigate inside and out the productivity of biodiesel in diminishing air contamination. The data contained in this post gives the subtleties of each mix of biodiesel and the measure of unadulterated biodiesel in each. For instance, B20 is clarified as comprising of 20% biodiesel and 80% oil. 3. This will help in figuring of the measure of carbon that B20 will discharge. Since a portion of this data isn't contained in this post, this source will assist us with identifying what more data we have to cover the point. 1.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Eminem Biography essays
Eminem Biography expositions Marshall Mathers otherwise known as Eminem otherwise known as Slim Shady causes debate any place he goes however that hasn't halted him getting probably the greatest star. Call him what you need however he is one of the best rappers in todays rap industry. The pundits neglect to see that he is making these verses since he realizes that they will discuss him and if individuals dont think about him they may very well purchase his CD in interest. In this paper I will attempt as well as can be expected to take you through Eminems life to teach you regarding why he composes such furious verses. Eminem was conceived as Marshal Bruce Mathers III on October 17, 1972 in Kansas City. Eminem before long moved to Detroit when he was just 12 years of age. During his youth he moved around a ton along these lines, it was exceptionally extreme for him to make companions. Marshal started rapping in the school break room and before long dropped out of school to seek after his rap vocation. In secondary school, he combat with different colleagues and was before long increased a notoriety for being an agile rhymer. In 1997, Marshal he discharged his first LP called Infinite. I was getting a great deal of input saying I seemed like Nas or Jay-Z, Marshal conceded. ( Later on that year he was in The Source Magazine for Unsigned Hype. Additionally that year, he won The Wake up Shows Freestyle Performer of the Year and runner up Rap Sheet Magazines Freestyle Olympics. A few years down the line Dr. Dre heard a demo tape of Eminem and cherished what he heard. Dr. Dre promptly connected with him and marked him to the Aftermath name. His significant name debut - 'The Slim Shady LP', co-created by Dre - was a tremendous achievement, by hitting Number 2 on Billboard's collection graph on its first seven day stretch of discharge. The verses incited more discussion with Eminem being blamed for advancing homophobia and empowering date assault and medication misuse. The track '97 Bonnie and Clyde' likewise caused shock... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Influence of Social Media Essay Samples on Writing and Proficiency
Influence of Social Media Essay Samples on Writing and ProficiencyIn an increasingly complex world, many people still lack a strong grasp of the social media essay samples. In fact, they may be quite confused when it comes to which materials they should be reading and that they should reject immediately.A lot of people believe that the social media essay samples must be authentic because it is given by a writer who has already published their work in the professional sphere. Many experts have repeatedly affirmed that this is actually not the case.The first thing that you should consider when reading the works of authors and experts in the field of professional writing is to ask yourself how authentic are these samples? Do the writings that you see on internet websites have been compiled by real professional writers or is this content another self-promotion for the brand?When you analyze the content of these essay samples, you can easily tell that most of them are nothing but similar sentences with different names and can hardly look like professional writing. Some of these essay samples also contain very much mixed up sentences and words that do not even seem to match the target readers.You should therefore learn to decipher between the real and fake social media essay samples and write with care. There are many techniques that can help you do this easily.First of all, you can make use of a word processor like Microsoft Word to scan the samples for any kind of formatting errors or spellings mistakes. As you read, make sure that you focus your attention on the spelling and grammar, and to avoid focusing on the name of the brand, try to find the words in the content that will best describe the product or service that you are selling.Secondly, look for the overall theme of the article, and try to find out whether it deals with something that is unique and special, whether it is a type of essay where people could share their instant personal testimonies, or whether it is basically a description of how the product/service can be beneficial for the customers. Focus on the main subject and try to pinpoint what is important about it.Lastly, do not just rely on the contents of the social media essay samples; instead, try to find out more about the author or the person behind the brand and how he or she came up with such opinions and perspectives. Take note of the general mode of communication and try to understand his or her views on various social media marketing techniques.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Walt Whitman and the Civil War
The poet Walt Whitman wrote about the Civil War extensively. His heartfelt observation of life in wartime Washington made its way into poems, and he also wrote articles for newspapers and a number of notebook entries only published decades later. He had worked for years as a journalist, yet Whitman did not cover the conflict as a regular newspaper correspondent. His role as an eyewitness to the conflict was unplanned. When a newspaper casualty list indicated that his brother serving in a New York regiment had been wounded in late 1862, Whitman traveled to Virginia to find him. Whitmans brother George had only been slightly wounded. But the experience of seeing army hospitals made a deep impression, and Whitman felt compelled to move from Brooklyn to Washington to become involved with the Union war effort as a hospital volunteer. After securing a job as a government clerk, Whitman spent his off-duty hours visiting hospital wards filled with soldiers, comforting the wounded and the sick. In Washington, Whitman was also perfectly positioned to observe the workings of the government, movements of troops, and the daily comings and goings of a man he greatly admired, President Abraham Lincoln. At times Whitman would contribute articles to newspapers, such as a detailed report of the scene at Lincoln’s second inaugural address. But Whitman’s experience as a witness to the war was mostly important as an inspiration for poetry. A collection of poems titled Drum Taps, was published after the war as a book. The poems contained in it ultimately appeared as an appendix to later editions of Whitmans masterpiece, Leaves of Grass. Family Ties to the War During the 1840s and 1850s, Whitman had been following politics in America closely. Working as a journalist in New York City, he no doubt followed the national debate over the greatest issue of the time, slavery. Whitman became a supporter of Lincoln during the 1860 presidential campaign. He also saw Lincoln speak from a hotel window in early 1861, when the president-elect passed through New York City on the way to his first inauguration. When Fort Sumter was attacked in April 1861 Whitman was outraged. In 1861, when Lincoln called for volunteers to defend the Union, Whitman’s brother George enlisted in the 51st New York Volunteer Infantry. He would serve for the entire war, eventually earning an officer’s rank, and would fight at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and other battles. Following the slaughter at Fredericksburg, Walt Whitman was reading casualty reports in the New York Tribune and saw what he believed to be a misspelled rendering of his brother’s name. Fearing that George had been wounded, Whitman traveled southward to Washington. Unable to find his brother at military hospitals where he inquired, he traveled to the front in Virginia, where he discovered that George had only been very slightly wounded. While at Falmouth, Virginia, Walt Whitman saw a horrifying sight beside a field hospital, a pile of amputated limbs. He came to empathize with the intense suffering of wounded soldiers, and during two weeks in December 1862, he spent visiting his brother he resolved to begin helping in military hospitals. Work as a Civil War Nurse Wartime Washington contained a number of military hospitals which took in thousands of wounded and ill soldiers. Whitman moved to the city in early 1863, taking a job as a government clerk. He began making the rounds in hospitals, consoling the patients and distributing writing paper, newspapers, and treats such as fruits and candy. From 1863 to the spring of 1865 Whitman spent time with hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers. He helped them write letters home. And he wrote many letters to his friends and relatives about his experiences. Whitman later said that being around the suffering soldiers had been beneficial to him, as it somehow restored his own faith in humanity. Many of the ideas in his poetry, about the nobility of common people, and the democratic ideals of America, he saw reflected in the wounded soldiers who had been farmers and factory workers. Mentions in Poetry The poetry Whitman wrote had always been inspired by the changing world around him, and so his eyewitness experience of the Civil War naturally began to infuse new poems. Before the war, he had issued three editions of Leaves of Grass. But he saw fit to issue an entirely new book of poems, which he called Drum Taps. The printing of Drum Taps began in New York City in the spring of 1865, as the war was winding down. But then the assassination of Abraham Lincoln prompted Whitman to postpone publication so he could include material about Lincoln and his passing. In the summer of 1865, after the war’s end, he wrote two poems inspired by Lincoln’s death, â€Å"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d†and â€Å"O Captain! My Captain!†Both poems were included in Drum Taps, which was published in the fall of 1865. The entirety of Drum Taps was added to later editions of Leaves of Grass.
Friday, May 15, 2020
When and How People Learned to Make Cloth
Textiles, to archaeologists anyway, can mean woven cloth, bags, nets, basketry, string-making, cord impressions in pots, sandals, or other objects created out of organic fibers. This technology is at least 30,000 years old, although preservation of the textiles themselves is rare in prehistory, so it may be quite a bit older still. Because textiles are perishable, often the oldest evidence of the use of textiles is implied from impressions left in burned clay or the presence of weaving-related tools such as awls, loom weights, or spindle whorls. Preservation of intact fragments of cloth or other textiles has known to occur when archaeological sites are in extreme conditions of cold, wet or dry; when fibers come into contact with metals such as copper; or when textiles are preserved by accidental charring. Discovery of Early Textiles The oldest example of textiles yet identified by archaeologists is at the Dzudzuana Cave in the former Soviet state of Georgia. There, a handful of flax fibers was discovered that had been twisted, cut and even dyed a range of colors. The fibers were radiocarbon-dated to between 30,000-36,000 years ago. Much of the early use of cloth began with making string. The earliest string-making to date was identified at the Ohalo II site in modern Israel, where three fragments of twisted and plied plant fibers were discovered and dated to 19,000 years ago. The Jomon culture in Japan  believed to be among the earliest pottery makers in the world  shows evidence of cord-making in the form of impressions in ceramic vessels from Fukui Cave that are dated to roughly 13,000 years ago. Archaeologists chose the word Jomon to refer to this ancient hunter-gather culture because it means cord-impressed. The occupation layers discovered at Guitarrero Cave in the Andes mountains of Peru contained agave fibers and textile fragments that were dated to about 12,000 years ago. Thats the oldest evidence of textile use in the Americas to date. The earliest example of cordage in North America is at Windover Bog in Florida, where the special circumstances of the bog chemistry preserved textiles (among other things) dated to 8,000 years ago. Silk making, which is made from thread derived from insect cases rather than plant material, was invented during the Longshan period in China, ca 3500-2000 BCE. Finally, one extremely important (and unique in the world) use of string in South America was as quipu, a system of communication composed of knotted and dyed cotton and llama wool string used by many South American civilizations at least 5,000 years ago.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Trends And Aspects Of Policing Models - 776 Words
Trends in Policing Models Due to the ever-changing political climate and needs of the community, policing models frequently change (McElvain, Kposowa, Gray 2012, 1). During the periods of enactment, numerous policing models served specific purposes but would quickly become outdated due to research or differing approaches to problem solving. Researchers McElvan, Kposowa, and Gray introduce a number of past policing models that have become outdated. Introduced around the mid-1900s the Professional model sought to fight corruption within the police culture and asked officers to gather facts and nothing more. The effectiveness of the strategy was based upon crime statistics and response times to calls (Ibid, 1). Over the years, policing models have gone through periods of evolution and reform, leading to the establishment of numerous modes by either law enforcement agencies or universities. In time, the Professional model was transformed by public criticism of the police being out of to uch with the public they were serving. The new model required a different approach-one that humanized police officers. Beginning in the 1980’s, Community Policing, heavily relying upon a partnership from law enforcement agencies and public partnership, grew in popularity. The researchers theorize the policing initiative was developed to strengthen community relations, specifically those with underprivileged minority communities. The idea was to re-humanize the police force from theShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Management and Operations Paper1690 Words  | 7 PagesGregory Baugh * Criminal Justice Trends Paper * The Policing component is only one part of the criminal justice system (triad of justice) that includes Policing, Courts, and Corrections, and it is the primary tier that generates criminal arrests, prosecutions, restraints, criminal activity, and protects the peace. * This paper will review the policing function of the criminal justice system and will identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federalRead MoreCrime Rates And Gathering Intelligence Information866 Words  | 4 Pagesof Literature Reforming Police Models Within the progressive social climate where community needs are important and the political atmosphere is ever changing, policing modes have adapted over time to meet the demands (McElvain, Kposowa, Gray 2012, 1). 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Increased crime has a historical correlation with economic crisis, which is consistent with Alberta currently. (â€Å"Economic crises may trigger rises in crime†, 2017) believed that societies undergoing economic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Blod Bank free essay sample
It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate, specific requirements and other supporting information. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system. This document is intended for developers, project coordinator, project guide, users and testers. The developer can use the document to view the analysis and design part, to understand requirements specification. The project coordinator can use this document to review the idea of project whether it is innovative and usable or not. The project guide can use this document to analyze and manage the flow of project development. The tester can use this document to get clear idea about system, to understand the exact input domain of system and to generate respective test cases for the testing purpose. 1. 1 Purpose This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions and specifications of the Blood bank Management System software. We will write a custom essay sample on Blod Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Blood Bank System. This document is useful for Blood Bank employees who use this system on the daily basis. This document will also serve as a reference to incorporate any changes made in the system to the future. It will also prove to be useful to the managerial staff which is responsible for the smooth functioning of the counter transactions that are performed on daily basis. This document is primarily intended to provide a detailed specification of the functional requirements for developers of the product. It also provides an overview of the product for the users. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, what the systems do and the constraints under which it will operate. This SRS document contains the complete software requirement for Post Office Transaction System and describes the design decisions, architectural design and the detail design needed to implement the system. It provides the visibility in the design and provides information needed for software support. 1. 2 Scope This software is used by System Administrator, Supervisor, Assistant and Lab technicians. The system is designed to provide user authentication by maintaining the user database which contains all the details of user along with login details such as username and password. Each user has a different level of operation for the authentication purpose. The solution will provide a well-organized and coordinated system where the blood and donor records are managed more efficiently with better security. The major goal of the system is to provide synchronized and centralized donor and blood stock database to the blood bank. It also improves the efficiency of blood stock management by alerting the blood bank administrator. System will provides traceability of donor in case of emergency. It also provides performance evaluation using report generation. 1. 3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to properly interpret the SRS. This information may be provided by reference to one or more appendixes in the SRS or by reference to other documents. 1. 4 References 1. www. bharatbloodbank. com 2. www. bloodbankindia. com 1. 5 Overview This document contains a brief history and insight into the problem as well as what the system is designed to do, the scope of the solution. It gives a brief summary of whom the system is targeted at, its capabilities, and its positioning in the device development process. It also explains requirements of the system and also where exactly the user and stakeholders are placed in the scheme of things. It elaborates on security issues, hardware and software requirement and also the priorities of various functionalities. The document helps the user to understand the Blood Bank System. The first part of the document provides the purpose, objectives and scope of the proposed system. It includes important definition, the problem statement specify the needed details to avoid any kind of ambiguity from user’s perspective. The document also states the feature set and capabilities of the system. The document also highlights the feature of proposed system and the advantages over the existing system. The document also highlights the various issues, error handling and the modification to be done in the system. The document is helpful to the user as it gives them opportunities to state what they expect from the system. In addition, the hardware specification required for the system is also mentioned. The user can read the document and make sure that his machine is equipped to run the system to avoid any inconvenience The user should make use of the document to understand the system better. The rest of this document provides a full description of the project for the blood bank. It lists all the functions performed by the system. It gives the details of each of the system functions and actions in full for the software developer’s assistance. It also gives the overview of the problems currently faced by the system and provides solutions for the same. 2. General Description The project deals with the problem of automated management system that is keeping track of the actual amount of blood stock in the blood bank and to minimize human errors. The solution will provide a well-organized and coordinated system for blood bank where the blood and donor records are managed more efficiently with better security and added automation functions in alerting the administrator when the blood quantity is below par level and about the expired samples. In addition, the administrator can also trace back the donor responsible in case of reactive sample in blood transfusion and blood screening result. This system also creates a convenient and paperless environment for the blood bank in managing donors and processing blood stocks. The registration time for old donor is shortened as the records are retrievable from the system. Also the performance evaluation is possible using report generation facility. 2. 1 Product Perspective This system keep the track of all the actual amount of the blood stock in the blood bank to minimize the human errors. 2. 2 Product Functions 1. System will also maintain Blood Stock records and Discard register. 2. System will provide levels of operators for authentication purpose. 3. System will provide an authentication form where the users will fill the details. 4. System will process the request of login. 5. System will check for the entered details in the login database. 6. If the entered username and password are valid then the system will grant access to the user else will display an error message. 7. System will provide five interfaces such as Testing Interface, Blood Stock Interface, Issue Interface, Donor Registration Interface and Statistics Interface. 8. Donor Registration Interface will take all the personal and medical details of donor and generate a unique id for each donor. 9. If the donor already has an id then will retrieve its details. 10. In Testing Interface, if the results are positive then discard register is updated with sample details. 11. If the results are negative Blood Stock Repository is updated with sample details. 12. In Blood Stock Interface, system will generate unique bag numbers for each product. 13. It will generate alerts when the blood quantity is below par level and about the expired samples. 14. The System will move expired sample details to discard register and update blood stock repository. 15. In Issue Repository, system will check blood stock repository for availability. 16. If stocks are available then system will place an issue order. 7. It will generate a label which includes bag number and details of sample. 18. In Statistics analysis, system will generate various reports. 19. The whole transaction of the blood will be recorded in a system 20. The software will perform the stock management amp; bill generation. 21. All the transaction of the blood will be updated within a small period of t ime. 22. The software will generate all the annual record of the blood bank.. 23. It will also maintain the record of the blood donor. 24. It will also maintain the record of the rejected blood and the rejection for the blood rejection. 2. User Characteristics The user must have the basic knowledge of the computer system. It is not necessary that the user must have the knowledge of the computer hardware. System administrator, supervisor, assistant and lab technicians. 2. 4 General Constraints * Blood bank employees ,donors 2. 5 Assumptions and Dependencies * The System will not allow any user with invalid username and invalid password. * The system should not provide administrative privilege to any customer. 3. Specific Requirements The systems should satisfy the below given requirements. 1. Operating System: Windows XP Professional 2. Database Management System (DBMS): MySQL 5. 0 3. Peer to peer connection. This can be done by connecting both the systems using a cross cable and giving different IP addresses to them. 3. 1 External Interface Requirements System Interfaces The systems should satisfy the below given requirements. 4. Operating System: Windows XP Professional 5. Database Management System (DBMS): MySQL 5. 0 6. Peer to peer connection. This can be done by connecting both the systems using a cross cable and giving different IP addresses to them. User Interfaces User Type| Intended Interaction| 1. DONOR REGISTRATION a. New donor b. Regular donor| * The system will take all the personal and medical details of donor and generate an unique id for the donor. * The system will take donors id as input, validate it and retrieve all its details including last donations. | 2. Administrator Login | * This login page will take input as username and password from the administrator * The system will validate the inputs and provide access to the system with more privileges to system and administrator| Testing | * This will take the input as blood group, donor id, date of collection; test carried out and its result. If the test results are positive then sample details are moved to discard register otherwise to blood stock repository. | Blood stock| * It will take all the details of the samples including blood group, its product details, date of collection, date of preparation, date of expiry, result of testing and generate a bag number. * It will generate alerts when the blood quantity is below par level and about the expired samples. * The expired sample details are moved to discard register and removed from blood stock repository. | Issue| * It will take input as product name, quantity, blood group and validate it with blood stock repository. If the stock is available then issue order will be placed. * It will generate a label which includes bag number, details of sample etc. | Statistics Display Page| * The administrator has access to this page. It displays all statistical data regarding the various issue orders placed, blood stock repository and testing screening. * Report generation. | 3. 5 Non-Functional Requirements Goal To provide authentication to donors. Objective 1 – Create unique id for donor’s. a. Accept donor personal and medical information for new donors. b. Generate unique id for each donor. Objective 2 – Process authentication request. a. Accept donor id in case of regular donor. b. Retrieve donor’s profile. Goal To manage Blood Stocks. Objective 1 – Process blood stock details. a. Accept product details like collection date, expiry date, blood group etc. b. Generates a unique bag number. Objective 2 – Establish connection with Issue interface and testing interface. a. Validate stock details for issue. b. Update blood stock repository after testing is negative. Goal To generate reports and label. Objective 1 – To generate report. a. Generate product statistics b. Generate yearly, monthly reports and provide it to the administrator. Objective 1 – To generate labels for issue. a. Generate labels for the issue order placed. b. Provide it to the customer along with the date of delivery 3. 5 Non-Functional Requirements 7. 1. 1 Availability * For the customers, the services available are: Registration as a donor, placement of issue order. * For the administrator, the services available are: Manipulation of databases, change the functionalities provided by the system and monthly and yearly reports generation. . 1. 2 Security * This system maintains consistency and security as the blood stock details can’t be modified by the administrator or the other user. The system analyses the issue order placed by the customer and accordingly fulfills it. The system will also provide authentication by using username and password. * The donor’s database will have its own security to prevent unauthorized write/de lete access. The donor’s details will not be disclosed while issuing. 3. 8 Logical Database Requirements The databases used by the system are * Donor database Blood stock database * Discard database * Account database User database: The purpose of this database is to store the required information of the donors and their id’s. This database will be used for traceability of donor. The donors will fill their information while registration. Their credentials will be saved in this particular database. Blood Stock database: This database is used to maintain blood stock information. It maintains the details of valid samples. Discard database: This database is used to store details of blood samples which have to be discarded. This will contain information of expired samples and those samples which reacted positively in testing screening. Accounts database: The purpose of this database is to store the account details regarding issue of blood sample and to maintain the history of all the previous transactions. This database will be used by the administrator so that he can calculate the total cost of the issue orders placed. Accessing capabilities: 1. Only administrator can set the role of users and their access capabilities 2. No user can access anything outside its accessing capability .
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Problems In Remote Sensing †Graphic Arts Essay
Problems In Remote Sensing – Graphic Arts Essay Free Online Research Papers Problems In Remote Sensing Graphic Arts Essay The predicaments in most remotely sensed data is affected by several common factors, such as error, uncertainty and scale. â€Å"The goal of remote sensing is to infer information about objects from measurements†(Curtis Woodcock,2002) from various â€Å"locations†, however the process is not always perfect as â€Å"there is an element of uncertainty†concerning data results. Remote sensing studies have always shown various discrepancies as researchers have always identified errors and uncertainties in image interpretations. It also highlights that these properties can be human induced due to mis-interpretation of the data, miss handling of equipment (calibration problems, poor decision making in when to take data, if cloud problems. However, these issues can be technological problems in the sub-orbital and orbital craft; wrong flight path, poor sensor range. The objective of this essay is to highlight the certain types of errors, the causes of uncertainties and scale problems in remote sensing. The extent of this area of terms is substantial in terms. Background Error Error, according to Heuvelink(1991) is defined as â€Å"the difference between reality and our representation of reality†. Error produces ramifications, as â€Å"error is a bad thing†. However Heuvelinks definition does not account for subtle and random errors â€Å"in a statistical way†. The concept of error is illustrated by Jensen’s belief that error is based on two factors internal and external geometric error. Jensen (2005) backs this up by stating it is important to recognize the problem sources of internal and external error, â€Å"whether it is systematic or nonsystematic†. Apparently, geometric error of the systematic approach is generally easier to define and correct. The problems of internal geometric errors are caused by the Earth’s curvature characteristics and remote sensing system being used. Jensen breaks down where internal geometric errors happen 1. Skew 2. Scanning system 3. Relief Displacement Skew Skew effects happen because of the remote sensing data being affected by the earth’s rotation on the axis and the remote sensors orbit of the planet whether it is phased, sun synchronous or geosynchronous. This combination of factors causes the image of the IFOV being examined to be skewed, this was based on using the LandSat enhanced thematic plus using its linear array of 16 lines, which scanned 3 times. This skew effect could be the result of a faulty scanner. Jensen (2005, states if the image is not deskewed, the data will be displayed incoherently. The belief is that the image is skew in an eastwardly approach. The deskewed images being scanned will have an abrupt change on the pixels being read by the scanner. Every orbital sensor that collects image from the Earth will incur skewed images due the spectral curve of the land and also because of the overlaps in images. Scanning Systems Since a large amount of data is retrieved from various scanning sensors aboard orbital and sub-orbital craft. Jensen makes the comparison that multi-spectral orbital craft have minimal distortion to multi-spectral sub-orbital craft. This distortion is reduced in orbital craft because of their nadir equipment, altitude and IFOV in the terms of swath. Jensen(2005, p 227-235) places the problems of geometric distortion on aircraft because of there AGL and their operating height. The only way that this distortion is reduced is only by using the central 70% of the swath width, because scientists noticed â€Å"ground resolution elements have larger cell sizes the farther way from the nadir†Relief displacement The use of aerial photography illustrate that photographs are exposed to perspective geometry , where all the objects are displaced from their plan metric positions outwardly from the principal point. The greater planimetric distance the greater, the reliefs distance(Jensen, 2005, p 227-235). The displacement occurs because of the direction that is perpendicular to the line of flight of each scan. The problems of one-dimensional relief displacement cause objects from their terrain to be displaced from their true position. This causes maps created from imagery to contain plainimetric errors. External Errors Externals errors happen because of unexpected ramifications â€Å"in nature through space and time†. The widely known errors of this are; altitude alterations and attitude changes, which can be yaw pitch and roll. Altitude changes The majority of remote systems operate well above AGL so that images can produce a uniform pattern. If the orbital or suborbital craft changes any of its orbits along the designated flight path, this will result in the scale of the image to change. Jensen(2005, p 227-235)), points out that these changes happen due to the elevation of the aircraft and the terrain. The only ways these issues are corrected by are the use geometric rectification algorithms. Attitude changes The problem of sub-orbital craft are that they affected by issues of turbulence and wind. This happens when sub-orbital craft are collecting data and have to contend with up and down drafts, cross, tail and head winds. This results in the aircraft changing its flight path by rotating its various axes (roll, pitch and yaw. This intern causes geometric distortions to image by introducing compression and expansion of the image. Most satellite and aircraft used in remote sensing have gyro-stabilization equipment to offset these errors in their flight paths. The problem can also be located in mishandling of equipment, as sensors can be miss-calibrated for recording information. Uncertainty The remotely sensed data can attribute to uncertainties in the processing outcomes, which in turn can affect the sound decision-making. Uncertainty pertains to areas of inference and prediction (May,2001). Researchers often confuse these terms in remote sensing. Uncertainty plays a large part in remote sensing as it causes problems especially the classification of land types, Measurement of Sea Surface Temperature, Image interpretation, Image mapping and many other areas of remote sensing. Uncertainty comes from many sources such as ignorance, â€Å"through measurement of prediction†. Uncertainty relates to being not 100% sure of something. The problems in uncertainty are that sometimes it is the most exciting in remote sensing. This is where remote sensing can explored â€Å"to find things so that a base is made for better understanding of how the world operates. The problems of uncertainty can be located in AVHRR data used for measurements of vegetation can have levels of i naccuracy. The best example where uncertainty can cause calamities was the Kyoto protocol in 2000, which collapsed due to high levels of uncertainties in the measurement and understanding of carbon emissions. Woodcock(2002) relates uncertainty to three areas Accuracy Accuracy is often described as the closeness of results, observations that correspond to values being accepted as being true Bias Bias is often seen as an over-estimation of a true value. Bias is often model based. Precision Precision is often the exact value expressed whether the value is right or wrong. These three terms are often seen in projects of measurement of changes in ice sheets, Tropical forests and land classification. Grant Leavenworth (1988) emphasis â€Å"during the life cycle of remotely sensed data, uncertainties are introduced and propagated in an often unknown way†. By constructing a listing where an uncertainty occurs provides the factors of how uncertainty is found in remote sensing. The sensor system. Using the landsat as an example, the velocity of the scanning optical mirror, the number of spectral bands, orbit and altitude height are, parameters that determine the signal noise and â€Å"goodness†of the measurement. In addition to this, all these factors are translated in the terms of resolution; spatial, spectral, temporal. The data gathered from the sensor are affected by these characteristics. This happens in multi temporal systems, especially tropical regions, where there is high cloud cover, this results in incomplete data sets. Coverage Area The problem relates to a sensor trying to correctly capture areas with high complexity. The detection of objects in mixed classifications can be difficult with areas of land and urban together. These objects can affect the area being examined as spectral influence could offset sensors reading in IFOV, although this can be improved by high spatial resolution. In all, this causes the image to become fuzzy and results in uncertainty if the pixels values in the image do not correspond to the classification structure, as two pixels of different values represent the same type of land cover. Geometric and atmospheric distortions. Jensen (2005) illustrates that geometric cause many errors in raw data interpretation especially when affected by the height and altitude of a sensor or by the ground control points(GCP). The concern with atmospheric distortions is that electromagnetic radiation interaction with the atmosphere can diminish information signal of a sensor. This happens, as radiation is subjected to back scattering and absorption. This causes some uncertainty in capturing a truly perfect image of a flat representation. Image distortions The processing of data causes a lot of uncertainty as the amount uncertainty allowed in data is based on Success of the radiometric and geometric corrections The loss of data during conversion Scale Scale variations have long been a thorn in remote sensing, as scale can be constraints for detail in which information needs to be observed and analyzed. Altering the scale in image causes the representation of patterns to differ from the actual size. Scale (Maher, 1997) is used as a basis for measurement as a scale of 1:1,000 means for every one unit on the map, you would need to measure one-thousand of those units on the earth. For example, 1mm on the map represents 1,000 mm on the ground and 1 metre represents 1,000 metres. Although these relations of unit measurement can cause problems as some users may miss-interpret a measurement unit, as 1:10000 is a large scale in comparison to a 1:100000(l. Lillesand(2004, p 617-622) belief is that scale can be very problematic in remote sensing as the definition and understanding varies from researchers. Lillesand breaks down scale in to two areas temporal and spatial. In remote sensing scale is an ambiguous term and is often defined as the relationship between the size of feature on a map or image to the corresponding dimensions on the ground. However ecologists understanding of spatial scale is based on two factors, grain (finest resolution of data) and extent (area under observation). Other problems of spatial scale are the understanding of large and small scales in an image. This is evident as small scale represents coarser spatial objects while large scale represents clearer objects, however individualist (ecologists) reverse the meanings of small and large scale for image analyzing. The only way ensuring the scale of the image is correct for research is using the three principles that Lillesand(2004,p 622) created. 1. Spatial resolution of the sensor 2. The spatial area under observation 3. The nature of information sought in any given image processing operation These key factors should always be relevant in deciding which type of sensor to be used for image analyzing of an area in spatial scale. However, scale varies have changed since the deployment of imaging systems on satellites. Sabins (1997) show this. Small scale 1:500,000 as 1cm= 5km or moirà © These descriptions are different from the aerial photography. However, Harvey and Hill (2003) see that detailed large-scale date extracted from aerial photography was superior as similar scale data could not be extract from the Landsat TM, SPOT XS satellite. This was due to errors of spectral data found in the classification for different vegetation covers. The best available photographic data are panchromatic and at scales of 1:25 000 or 1:50 000. It is generally believed that all environmental processes are scale dependent. The different scale measurements manifest a homogenous side to one scale and a heterogeneous to another side(Atkinson Tate,2000). This can be evident as scale dependence on spatial variation can be problematic in the processing of data, as the techniques of averaging, smoothing and extrapolation can be dangerous for replacing missing datasets. In spatial scale it is often desirable to focus on the particular scale of spatial variation (mean and sample of data), as not all scales need to utilized for specific process(Atkinson Tate,2000). However that can problem if using a specific scale such as the drainage basin scale to represent contours on a topography map, however it would be useless for sheet flow on a hill slope. The general belief is, that it is widely accepted that scales of measurement are determined by the sampling strategy, the sampling generally refers to spatial pattern of the sample obse rvation. Unfortunately, all samples of spatial data are not stationary and can affect the spatial scale of the area under study(Atkinson Tate,2000). That is the fundamental reason for the continuing interest in scale in remote sensing is that spatial resolution is the primary scale of measurement (Atkinson and Aplin). Discussion Zhou Liu(2004) says that classification of land produces errors in multi- temporal data acquisition. The use of classification causes many problems in mapping of land and urban areas which results in uncertainty of accuracy. Using spatial resolution, a decrease in pixel size can cause major ramifications in an image being inferred for a prediction model (H. Liu Q. Zhou). This is evident as pixels being inferred in a spatial swath may represent more than one classification. This can found by comparing different satellites spatial resolution. As landsat TM uses a 30 * 30 metre resolution that is acceptable for some classifications, however if the resolution was needed for small buildings (5 x5 metres), it would fail. This also highlights that uncertainties can enter in to classification of land types as distinguish uncertainties can happen (Atkinson Foody), Page 14). The occurrence of ambiguous definition of classes The problems of land transitions over period due to rapid changes of building into new land types. There also more sources of uncertainty that can occur during the post classification stage as different users can create different conclusions from the IFOV under observation. This is a result of their map reading skills, understanding of raster information and the ability to distinguish significant objects. Neels (2005) defines that uncertainty is found in most of the big ice sheets. This happens due to poor observation of spatial coverage of measuring their variable changes in changes in surface elevation. This was due to the implementation of the budget method. This method is insufficient because of the fluctuation changes in ice sheet volume are determined by the snakk residual alterations in the large terms. This causes temporal and spatial fluctuations, which then cause uncertainty in measuring the ice sheet volume. Not all these measurements in high accuracy and dense data can provide a reliable estimate of ice sheet volume and this highlight errors in analysis of the surface elevation measurements. It also manifests the scale problem of obtaining this volume of data. However Harvey and Hill (2003) notice, that errors are common in image acquisition in remote sensing studies of wetland areas. They believe that spectral overlap may cause a reduction in the utility of imagery collection of a certain season, although spectral classification can be enhanced by image optimizing. This is manifested by their work in tropical wetland environments, as tropical wetlands have large variations in the nature of rainfall. These factors can affect the overall classifications and cause various errors to the image been inferred. Errors can be found in most areas as Czaplewski (2003) questions the methods used in remote sensing especially in monitoring the of global deforestation trends. He manifests this by agreeing with the arguments of Townsend and Tucker over the 10% stratified random samples used by FAO to estimate tropical deforestation. These samples are quite questionable as tropical deforestation is spatially concentrated. The belief here is that these samples can have significant problems for estimations for the FAO. This was seen in study models of dense tropical regions and showed that some regions are less spatially concentrated. Therefore this provided that sampling errors from Landsat sensor scenes in these studies are higher that other regions. In Rajeev and Saxena (2004) argument, they conclude that large scale soil mapping of different scales are dependent upon the requirements of the user. However the uses of satellite have being problem for large scaling mapping because of their coarse resolution. The only way this scale of operation was feasible was to employ conventional methods, which were costly and time consuming. This has changed with the introduction of high resolution PAM and LISS III data from IRS-1C/CD satellite. Although scale is seen mostly as a measurement, scale can be used as a term in remote sensing as the area of data to be analyzed .This was seen with the central America dataset as the scale of coverage was 619 048km2 and includes the countries of Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. However the assessment of this scale of mapping proved to be difficult, as it show the limits of AVHRR data for classification of NDVI in comparison to Landsat TM data, which has higher classif ication accuracies (Friedl et al, 2000). It also evident that the temporal scales of these studies have been relatively short (days, weeks, months), and few studies have exceeded years in duration. Despite this, researchers are now being called upon to lengthen their studies to longer temporal scales. Conclusion The use of these terms illustrate the problems that are found in remote sensing and highlights the problems they cause to images being taken from orbital and sub-orbital craft. It demonstrates the issues of pixel classification of data in images for the representation of land, woodland, urban and water classes. It also raises the concern about the understanding of these terminologies in remote sensing as some individuals lack the true meaning of what these terms are. That is why Woodcock (2002) states that â€Å"where relevant, adopt the terminology used within statistics and otherwise should adopt terms that convey clearly the authors meaning.†Scale apparently has being problem for researchers as they are concerned in deciding which scale will provide the most accurate measurement in spatial. The problems of uncertainty and error is also seen as new techniques such as using different types of sensors, prediction models are still not capable of yielding the trends of ice sheet mass balance, unless decades of observation are made. Error can also be human induced to poor understanding and misinterpretation of data, technology and the area of observation. It appears that it is by far unfeasible to assess all errors , uncertainties and scale problems as they will always appear in studi es, observations and new types of equipment in remote sensing, as nothing can be 100% perfect in any environment. Finally the biggest concern is the constant changes of electromagtic radiation as this causes major problems to remote sensing when attaining information on a large scale region of interest. these changes in the spectrum will cause uncertainties for the researcher and the scientist. References Books Sabins F Floyd, 1997, Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation (Third Edition), W.H . Freeman and Company, New York. Jensen R John, 2005, Introductory Digital Image Processing, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Lillesand M Thomas, Kiefer W Ralph, Chipman W Jonathan,2004, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, The Lehigh Press, United States of America. Atkinson M.P Foody M.G, 2002,Uncertainty in Remote Sensing and GIS: Fundamentals, John Wiley Sons Ltd. Journals K. R. Harvey and G. J. E. Hill, Vegetation mapping of a tropical freshwater swamp in the Northern Territory, Australia: a comparison of aerial photography, Landsat TM and SPOT satellite imagery, int. j. remote sensing, 2001, vol. 22, no. 15, 2911–2925 Reeh Niels, Mass balance of the Greenland Ice sheet: can modern observation methods reduce the uncertainty, int. j. remote sensing, 735-742 H. Liu, Q. Zhou, Accuracy analysis of remote sensing change detection by rule-based rationality evaluation with post-classification comparison, int. j. remote sensing, 10 MARCH, 2004, vol. 25, no. 5, 1037–1050 Czaplewski R. L., Can a sample of Landsat sensor scenes reliably estimate the global extent of tropical deforestation?,International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol 24, no 6, March 20, 2003, 1409-1412. Rajeev Saxena, Technique of large scale soil mapping in basaltic terrain using satellite remote sensing data, int. j. remote sensing, 10 March, 2004,vol. 25,no. 5, 1037–1050 Friedl M. A., Woodcock C., Gopal S., Muchoney D.,Strahler A. H., Barker-Schaaf C,A note on procedures used for accuracy assessment in land cover maps derived from AVHRR data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20 March 2000,vol 21, no 5, pp. 1073-1077(5) Atkinson M.P Tate J Nicholas, Spatial Scale Problems and Geostatistical Solutions: A review, Nov 2000, No 4, 607-620. Websites May Robert, Risk and Uncertainty, nature, 21 june 2001,vol 41 Grant Leavenworth,Heuvalink, Visual Exploration of Uncertainty in Remote-sensing Classification, 1997, Frans J.M. van der Wel, Linda C. van der Gaag, Research Papers on Problems In Remote Sensing - Graphic Arts EssayIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseOpen Architechture a white paperMind Travel
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Assess the impact of Edward Snowden's revelations on the public image Essay
Assess the impact of Edward Snowden's revelations on the public image of GCHQ and the wider intelligence community - Essay Example ons have made efforts directed towards improving the level of their national security intelligence with an aim of ensuring that proper investigations, surveillance as well as supervision of security issues is undertaken to prevent terrorism attacks. In addition, some countries have resorted to the use of spy and other intelligence agencies that basically monitor groups that might have been suspected of terrorism activities. The issue of military strength between countries has also compelled governments and concerned stakeholders to undertake certain sensitive measures that would ensure that they monitor the military strength of rival countries and their level of security intelligence. These measures have included the use of spies and intelligence agencies that are usually sent to the rival countries to perform such missions. However, the major challenge that has been identified with regard to the use of spies emanates from the tension that occurs in the case that the rival country becomes aware of the spying activities within their military operations. In some cases, intelligence organizations have also undertaken roles geared towards ensuring that the level of security within internet is kept under proper surveillance by monitoring the activities that are performed in the internet by their respective populations. However, this has raised the question regarding the privacy of information of the populat ion owing to the fact that national intelligence organizations are usually provided with the authority to access any activity performed in the internet and other sources of media by a specific population. Many people have complained that by accessing personal information of the activities that are performed by individuals within the internet is a violation or a sense of intruding personal privacy. A case of revelations of an employee of an intelligence agency occurred when Edward Joseph Snowden revealed the activities the United States National Intelligence Agency
Friday, February 7, 2020
Combination of Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft BizTalk Server Research Paper
Combination of Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft BizTalk Server - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that Microsoft Corporation is an American based multination corporation with its headquarters in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft is a business empire that develops, supports manufacturers, and licenses numerous products and services that are related to computing. Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded Microsoft Company on April 4, 1945. Since then, Microsoft Corporation has grown to be the world’s largest software manufacturer by revenue. Notably, Microsoft Corporation is one of the most valuable companies in the world. Microsoft was established to manufacture and sell the Altair 8800 BASIC interpreters. In the mid-1980s, this company ventured into selling personal computers operating systems, particularly the MS-DOS. This was followed by Microsoft Windows operating systems. In the year 1986, Microsoft initiated public offering that led to the rise in its share prices. Since the early 1990s, Microsoft Corporation has increasingly diver sified into numerous operating system markets that have made it acquire numerous corporates. For instance, in May 2011, it acquired Skype Technologies at the value of $8.5 billion, and Skype has been Microsoft’s largest acquisition since its advent. Notably, Microsoft’s key business process is remarkably candid in that it develops software then distributed to users who purchase either directly from the Microsoft Corporation or through the company's outlet agencies or companies that have rights to sell through them.... Nonetheless, the Microsoft’s workflow diagram can be presented as in the diagram below: Microsoft’s Business Operations Microsoft Dynamics This is a business management solution that aims at streamlining and automating financial and customer relationship as well as supply chain processes in order to derive Microsoft’s businesses to success (Griffin, 2012). Microsoft dynamics is integrated business management solution that was adapted by the organization to enable it to make business decisions with immense confidence (Ward, 2012). Automation and streamlining of customer relationship, financial and supply chain processes through Microsoft Dynamics enables the organization to consolidate technologies, processes, and people towards increasing effectiveness and productivity of the business as well as driving the business to be driven to success. The Microsoft Dynamics operates in the same ways as other Microsoft software such as Microsoft office; thereby, it decreases the staff extensive learning requirements (Page, 2010). Notably, the Microsoft Dynamics software easily works with other systems already installed and implement in the organization. The Microsoft BizTalk Server Microsoft BizTalk Server is a process management server that helps the organization to connect to processes, information, and people across extended enterprises. The Microsoft BizTalk Server enables the organization to optimize and automate its business processes; thus, helping it to grow. The Microsoft BizTalk Server was introduced in the year 2006 and has enable Microsoft to expose its data and processes in real time. Moreover, this system has helped the organization to decrease costs, optimize business
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Same Sex Marriage and the Us Constitution Essay Example for Free
Same Sex Marriage and the Us Constitution Essay Many of the prominent researchers such as BYU has proven that same sex marriage is legal and Amendments should not be made to change the current constitution to violate the individual rights of these individuals. This paper will also use theories such as the loving Analogy and comparing slavery, and other forms of marriage to show how all citizens should be protected. Other areas of importance will include research and findings from Harvard Law on how courts determined if same sex union was permitted to be legal in their state. The final area of this paper will conclude the findings and interpretations of my current review of the research to show that this should remain as a right that all individuals are permitted to partake in marriage to same sex partners during their lifetime. When the United State’s constitution was drafted, many topics in it were not as blatantly described as one would assume given its importance. This doctrine gave you the basis as to what law should dictate to citizens, but did not give exact do’s and don’ts on certain issues. In this document to many individuals’ unknown belief, there actually is no clause on marriage. It designates that all persons should have equal rights. â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. †(US Constitution). If we look at this last line, you see its evidence right there. All citizens have the right to equal protection. With the debate of same sex marriage we see how states and the federal government are directly trying to violate this right. The current status of same sex marriage actually depends on where in the United States you may inhabit. The United States constitution was created September 17, 1787. The document was officially ratified on June 21, 1788. When it was written, the overall intention was to create a framework for citizens of the United States. It was the framework to how laws and government were to conduct themselves. From its original creation, as years went by Amendments were written to address subjects that arise over time and had not been addressed by our founding fathers. Focusing our energy to present issues, same sex marriage has questioned the constitution and its amendments. Mainly we use the 14th Amendment, Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause. The Due process clause basically covers and prohibits state and local government from depriving life, liberty and property. The second, Equal Protection Clause requires each state to produce equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction. Using these two main sections and this Amendment itself we can base how current public opinion is driving legislatures and government to forget and violate individual’s rights base on their sexual preference. Putting restrictions on their right to engage in customs such as marriage violates and goes against the initial intentions of our founding fathers’, these main components will prove that allowing same sex union does not violate the US Constitution Constitution vs. Other Forms of Marriage Interracial Marriage was a form of marriage that was considered illegal prior to 1967. Although the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves it did not guarantee them full rights until almost 100 years later. In 1968, this was repealed. Prior to this year, interracial marriages were only recognized and permitted in certain states. Strictly enforced misgengation laws clearly segregated persons of different races to enter into a marriage. â€Å"North Caroline and California recognized interracial marriages that were lawfully performed elsewhere (BYU, 2008, p. 1894). If we compare the 14th Amendment to this type of prior law, we clearly see that equal rights and fairness to all citizens were not being followed. The case of Loving vs. Virginia proved that not allowing people of different races to marry violated this amendment and others such as Equal Protection and Due Process. They banned marriage of equal citizens based on their race. At present, day, it is allowable but many still agree and will never accept these types of marriages. Teenage Marriages also at one point and time were under scrutiny. This was a common practice in the Middle Ages from settlers inhabiting the United States from Europe. It was a common practice in their cultures. In the 60’s it started becoming illegal. Recognition again was at the discretion of the states. â€Å"The result reflects such things as how long the parties lived together after marriage, whether any children were born, whether it’s apparent that it was a bad marriage, whether the underage party or parties confirmed their marriage upon reaching majority, whether domestic statute that underage party was void or voidable, whether suit was civil or criminal (BYU, 2008, p. 1900). Again rights were violated. Equal Protection was only given based on the decision of the state. Fueled by the feminist movements in the 70’s, they determined the rights for a minor when realistically they never took in account to the involved parties perspectives. At present time, teenage marriage is allowable to an extent. Minors which are considered under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent to all the marriage to occur based on a states constitution. The next marriage to date that is illegal in the United States and remains this way is polygamy. In this type of union, a man has multiple wives whom all live harmoniously. It is also constitutionally banned.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
Microbe Bug Report Candida albicans: Friend or Foe INTRODUCTION. Our bodies are made up of billions of living microorganisms. Most of these microorganisms are extremely beneficial for our health and actually contribute to our survival. However, if imbalances occur within, our naturally helpful microbes then they can become â€Å"invaders and literal harmful. I will examine Candia albicans and its important role in the body and the consequence of their imbalance. RESEARCH & CLASSIFICATION. The genus Candia is a yeast group that has approximately 150 species that belong to the eukaryote domain. The cell structure is nearly identical to that of a human cell. Candida albicans is a diploid organism with eight sets of homologous chromosomes and a genome size of about 32 Mb. It is a dynamic organelle with cell walls composed of glucan and chitin. Various proteins also exist in the cell walls and can be modified by glycosylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination. Enzyme secretion occurs with substrates both within the cell and in the external environment. They are gram-positive; colonizing within 3 days and have a soft, moist, and yellowish-cream appearance that form 10 to 12 microns in diameter. Candida albicans fungus reproduces sexually and asexually in hyphal form in which they split into fragments and create new yeast-like forms (mycelia), and the other by budding and forming an ellipsoidal bud. ETIOLOGY & EPIDERMIOLOGY. Candia albicans is an endogenous organism that grows as a diploid fungus and is present in 40-80 % of human beings. It lives in our digestive tract and contributes to the population of our gut microbe by providing nutrients to our friendly gut bacterium. When the balance of C. albicans is at a healthy low ... ...roduce stable electrically conductive bio-nano-composite tissue materials that have been used as temperature sensing elements. This is an exciting new area of scientific discovery. I am eager to read more about the benefits and possibilities that exist with this new biotech process. REFERENCES. â€Å"Candidiasis.†March 8, 2001. CDC. Medline Encyclopedia†May 2005. Medline Plus. Tortora G., Funke, B., Case, C,. Microbiology: An Introduction (11th edition), 2013 Pearson Education. Glenview, IL. â€Å"The Fourth NIAID Workshop in Medical Mycology: Responses to Fungi.†NIAI January 5, 2001. â€Å"What is Candida?†2004. Ninazu Health Products Inc.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The History of Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the oldest treats enjoyed by many people. By a show of hands, how many people love chocolate? I have loved chocolate ever since I was a little girl. I have enjoyed the different tastes, textures, and styles of it. Chocolate has been one of the oldest treats enjoyed by many people. I want to share with you the history of chocolate, types of chocolate, and some benefits from eating chocolate. Let’s start with the History of Chocolate! Chocolate's history started over 2,000 years ago. It began in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America from the seed of the cacao tree. This small tree grows best in the tropical atmosphere because it receives the best amount of rain, shade, humidity, wind, and nutrients. According to Susan J. Terrio, the author of Crafting the Culture and History of French Chocolate, the first people known to have made chocolate were the ancient cultures of Mexico and Central America. These people, including the Maya and Aztec, mixed ground cacao seeds with various seasonings to make a spicy, frothy drink. This was the very first way that chocolate was consumed. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, they brought the cacao seeds back home to Spain. 1. The chocolate drink was very popular in Spain. It then spread to Europe where new technologies and innovations changed the texture and taste of chocolate. 2. By the mid-1700s, the blossoming Industrial Revolution saw the emergence of innovations that changed the future of chocolate.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Good Man Is Hard For Find By Flannery O Connor And...
During a journey a person will come across a crisis or it will be an escape from a struggle or an external conflict. In the two short stories, â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†by Flannery O’Connor and â€Å"Women Hollering Creek†by Sandra Cisneros, the protagonists are faced with similar crisis of limitations. On the contrary, â€Å"The Swimmer†by John Cheever describes the protagonist to be someone that has no limitations, which led him to abuse his freedom. Although these three tales show differences they do show a similarity in their ignorance. These two female authors focus on the role women set into a sexist environment where they are not seen as equal upon the male figures. However, the only male protagonist, fictionalized by Cheever, is not faced with the same complications as the female characters. As these protagonist face their problems, begin to realize their fate and their place in the world. The plot of the journey is a crisis for both the main characters of â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†the grandmother and â€Å"Woman Hollering Creek,†Cleofilas. In contrast to â€Å"The Swimmer†Neddy Merrill that tries to escape from the trauma of his reality. The grandmother uses her lies to manipulate her grandchildren into pestering their father, her son, into going to a house she had memories of. While on the off road adventure to this house the pet they owned had a panic attack and caused the disorientation of the driver, the son, which lead to a car accident. The accident leads to the
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