Friday, December 27, 2019
Dell Computers Corporation The Current Operation for the...
Executive Summary The proposal presented herein gives the background information of Dell Computers Corporation highlighting the current operation for the manufacture of computers. The proposal highlights the potential of the company to increase its market share and profitability through change of its culture from order based to inventory base. It is indicated in the proposal that the company has potential given its product superiority in the market to increase profits through tapping into markets in the developing world. It has been researched and ascertained that the market for computers has not been fully exploited. Dell Corporation has the potential and capacity to venture in the developing world market and increase its sales and revenues. The proposal is based on the assumption that the client needs for computers is similar; offloading the inventory in the market through dealers and agents will not lead to increase in cost to end consumers and the marginal cost compared to the revenues will be minimal. It is suggested that Dell Computer Corporation needs to offer training to its existing work force to change their mind set. This will help in implementing the plan. Further an assessment of the companys resources and realizing those resources for the purpose of the plan proposed will assist in implementation. The proposed plan is expected to increase the market share of the company as well as increase its revenue and profit base. Business Proposal DescriptionShow MoreRelatedDells Sustainable Initiatives for the Environment and Human Health672 Words  | 3 PagesCorporations today are starting to establish sustainable initiatives to promote the health of the environment and the people, while remaining profitable and Dell is not an exemption. However, a company must support this claims, and evaluating Dell with strategies using natural capitalism is a perfect way see how sustainable company is. Dells sustainability report is among the best in the business. The elements within their report include corporate accountability, environmental responsibility, andRead MoreDell Case Study Strategic Managemen1426 Words  | 6 PagesCASE STUDY- DELL INC ASSIGNMENT #2 By: Muhammad Salman ( Syed Ahmed Farooq Wasti ( Kamran Ullah Khan ( References:,,,,, )_______ )_______ )_______ Introduction †¢ Dell computer was founded by Michael Dell at age of twenty one in his dorm at the University of Texas, Austin. Initially the name of the company was PCs Ltd in 1984 but later it was changed to Dell Computer in 1987 whenRead MoreDell Corporate Strategy1499 Words  | 6 PagesCorporate Strategy The economic activities performed by Dell encompass the development, manufacturing, sale and support of personal computers and computer-related products. Since its foundation, the company has been based on the Direct Model, i.e. Dell has always tried and managed to create direct relationships with its customers, by selling products directly and without the participation of intermediaries. The sale has always taken place through a telephone service or via the Internet. In orderRead MoreEssay about Dell Case Study1520 Words  | 7 Pageschose to do my case analysis on is Dell computers. Many companies start out as very aggressive but get crashed either by its competitor or by poor strategic management. Dell Computers entered the market with strong strategic vision and stronger strategic management. 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Does the company rely primarily on a customer intimacy, operational excellence, or product leadership customer value proposition? What evidence supports your conclusion? b. What Business risks does Dell face that may threaten its ability to satisfy stockholder expectations? WhatRead MoreHistory Of The Company : Mission And Vision Statement1755 Words  | 8 PagesHistory of the company Michel Dell was the founder of Dell Computers Corporation in the year 1984 while he was studying at University of Texas at Austin. He dropped out of college to have full focus on fledgling business. In year 1985 Dell Computers Company started their production of computers with their own design the first was called as Turbo PC which had specification of Intel 8088 compatible processor in it and runs at speed of 8 MHz. Dell Computers Corporation stated their company expansionRead MoreSOME SUCCESS STORIES IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 1688 Words  | 7 Pageswould be for goods to be shipped from suppliers directly to the retail stores. Cross-docking has resulted in lower unit transportation and inventory costs, relative to cost of goods sold, through the supply chain. It relies upon a well-developed computer information systemâ€â€utilizing point-of-sale bar-code readers and electronic data interchange (EDI)â€â€which links Wal-Mart stores, distribution centers, and a large numb er of major vendors. Moreover, Wal-Mart maintains its own fleet of truck-tractorsRead MoreEssay on Dell Analysis Case Study5238 Words  | 21 PagesCase Analysis: Dell Introduction Present CEO and chairman of the board Michael Dell founded Dell in 1984, as a leading technology provider that designs, develops, manufactures, and supports PCs, software and peripherals, storage and servers, and associated services. With operations in four geographic areas and additional business centers and manufacturing sites in more than 20 locations around the world, Dell is able to reach more than 24,000 retail locations worldwide. Dell’s ability to process
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Should Gay Be Gay - 1506 Words
Gay men are stereotypically feared for potentially â€Å"recruiting†others into also becoming gay, especially young children like students, due to the belief that gayness is â€Å"contagious,†like a sickening plague that should be avoided, although â€Å"there is no empirical proof that a gay teacher can affect the sexual preference of school-aged children†Kirk and Paul Cameron from the Family Research Institute in Colorado Springs explain (603). Parents and administrators therefore fear that interactions between young students and gay teachers will undesirably turn these children, believed to be asexual but also heterosexual, gay, thus imposing on children’s believed natural and â€Å"inherently heterosexual†characteristics, explained by Hidehiro Endo†¦show more content†¦Homophobic beliefs that â€Å"gay men are predatory by nature; and the identification of homosexuality with pedophilia†(Squirrel, 88) are still circulated wit hin today’s supposed progressive society, including institutions that are believed to combat this type of ignorance. This is because, â€Å"if schools are to be understood as social institutions that reflect the social order to which they belong, then the exclusionary spaces that exist outside of them will exist inside,†which is why school environments may not change until their larger, dominant spaces in which they reside in, also change (Gray, Harris Jones 288). The stereotype that gay males are inherently attracted to minors, and act on these supposed impulsions, â€Å"may be critically recast as a fantasy that has been put into play by (some) heterosexuals; a fantasy that enables them to dwell on the images of children’s bodies as objects of desire,†in which through this belief, completely sexualize children and debunking claims of their supposed asexuality (King 16). Gay, male teachers are believed to be incapable of holding professional, but genu ine relationships with students, only erotic ones. The history behind the social recognition of homosexuality can help explain this phenomenon, taking force in the 1920s when â€Å"psychiatrists had concluded sexual deviants, namely effeminate homosexuals and masculine, sexually predacious psychopaths were eachShow MoreRelatedShould Gay Be A Racist?1320 Words  | 6 PagesIf you think that by merely not agreeing with the gay lifestyle it s bigotry comparable to racism think again. You do realize that s a slap in the face of all those cultures you re referencing calling all they fought for frivolous right? There is definitely a smear agenda going on. As soon as the whole gays-getting-equal-rights thing came into the spotlight all of a sudden christians are being called bigots because we don t support being gay. the funny thing is, homosexuality is not genetic inRead MoreWhy Gay Men And Gay Couples Should Be Legal944 Words  | 4 PagesHow Gay Men and Lesbians Perform as Parent s Compared to Heterosexual Couples Recently, controversies have been witnessed concerning the issues of gender and sexuality. For example, the US government has issued directives regarding the legality of same-sex relationships. Several states in America have legalized homosexuality while the others have remained adamant to accept such sexual orientations. Same-sex and transgender couples have been facing prejudice, discrimination, and hatred from the generalRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1169 Words  | 5 PagesGay marriage should be legalized. Our civil rights and the Constitution give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which homosexual people are not allowed to chase. They cannot be married to the person they love and it violates their freedoms. According to, â€Å"In Alaska, Nevada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Nebraska, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama, n otRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1434 Words  | 6 PagesGay marriage has slowly become a significant factor amongst individuals of today’s society. On June 26, 2015, it was ruled out by the U.S. Supreme Court that gay marriage was now legal. The first thing that I thought was that â€Å"Wasn’t it already legal in the United States?†Well, apparently no it has not been legalized in the United States! (Dumb me.) The U.S. is known to be a nation of equality and gives everyone the freedom of the speech, but it is actually a nation full of racism, sexism, and homophobiasRead MoreGay Marriage Should Not Be Condemned1108 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction There has been heated debate’s concerning gay marriage’s in the world. Some people support gay marriage while others do not. Gay marriage is a marital union that involves two adults of the same gender. For instance, a woman and another or marriage involving two men would constitute a gay marriage. Generally, this issue has been prevalent in the developed countries such as the United States; but it is a fact those kinds of marriages exist in other countries in the world over, only thatRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay745 Words  | 3 Pagesyears, the word â€Å"gay†gradually be known by the public. At the same time, gay-discrimination grows up to be a hot topic. Like racial discrimination, gay-discrimination is also an argumentative topic. The Williams Institute did a survey about â€Å"How many people are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender?†According to the survey, approximately 9 million people in America identify as LGBT (lesbian, gay , bisexual, and transgender). Not only in America, gays exist all over the world. So gay-discriminationRead MoreGays Should Be Legal Contract1290 Words  | 6 PagesGays Should Be Allowed To Marry Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman. It is the institution that establishes kinship and relations in the family. Marriage is mostly recognized by a state, organization, religious authority, local community, or peers. Marriage is for procreation, education, the unity, and well-being of the couple. Some say marriage is for two people who love each other and ready for commitment. Nevertheless, inRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal966 Words  | 4 PagesGay marriage is one of the most debated and controversial issues in today’s society. Everyone has his or her opinions on gay marriage, whether it is acceptable or should not be allowed. According to The Washington post, â€Å"59 percent say they support same-sex marriage while 34 percent are opposed†(Craighil, P., Clement). While 59% of the supporting gay is a high number, however that number is skewed. There is a difference between tolerance and acceptance, but the 59% is the total of the both. PeopleRead MoreGay Adoption Should Be Legal1203 Words  | 5 PagesGay adoption is a touchy subject to a lot of people. Even though gay adoption became legal in all 50 states on June 26, 2017 everyone still seems to have an opinion on the matter and a lot of the opinions lean toward not allowing gay couples to adopt. There are so many children in the foster care system that need loving and stable homes so why not let gay couples give that to them? There is a lot of evidence to show that gay couples can be just as good at parenting as a straight couple. Maybe evenRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1126 Words  | 5 Pages Before the ruling on June 26, 2015 for gay marriage to be legal in all fifty states, thirty seven out of the fifty and Washington D.C already legalized gay marriage. Many support gay marriage and many do not, with widespread values and reasons for and against it. Due to religion and rights people across the nation have differing views and opinions of it.In a five to four vote in the Supreme Court gay marriage became legalized in all fifty states. Shortly after that a few marriage officiators and
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Water Planet Vocabulary Example For Students
The Water Planet Vocabulary Term Definition Water Uses Household purposes, agriculture, industry, transportation, and recreation. Irrigation The process of supplying water to areas of land to make them suitable for growing crops. Water Living Water is essential for living things to grow, reproduce, and carry out other important process. Photosynthesis Plants making food from using the energy in the sun, water, and carbon dioxide(CO2). Water distribution 97% salt water, 3 % fresh water. Water vapor Gaseous form of water. Groundwater Water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers. Polar molecule A molecule that has electrically charged areas; for example: water. Surface Tension The tightness across the surface of water that is caused by the polar molecules pulling on each other. Capillary action Combined force of attraction among water molecules and with the molecules of surrounding materials. Solution A mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another substance. Solvent The substance that does the dissolving in a solution. Solute The substance that gets dissolved in a solution. Universal solvent Water is called this because it is a polar substance that can dissolve most substances. Hydrophobic Water fearing; non-polar molecules; does not like to mix with water; for example: oil. Hydrophilic Water loving; polar molecules; likes to mix with water; for example: sugar. Specific heat The amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of a certain mass of a substance by 1?C (water has a high specific heat; requires a lot of heat to warm it up). Water cycle The continuous process by which water moves through the living and nonliving parts of the environment; this process is driven by the suns energy. Transpiration The process by which plants release water vapor through their leaves. Cloud formation Form as water vapor cools and condenses on tiny dust particles in the air. Precipitation Water that falls to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. A global process The worldwide amounts of evaporation and precipitation balance each other out keeping the total amount of fresh water on Earth fairly constant.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Vocational Programs for both Offenders and Non-Offenders free essay sample
A look at various educational programs for prisoners and the possible benefits thereof. This paper examines the educational programs available for prisoners. The author discusses the controversial topic of prisoner education, the type of skills and rehabilitation that prisoners can acquire and the economic issues concerned. The author argues that the cost of housing a prisoner are higher than educating one and that the possible behavioral and life skills that prisoners may learn are beneficial in that they not only improve prisoners morale, self-esteem and academic level, they also produce positive behavior and provide an alternative for prisoners when they are released back into public life. Providing all individuals with educational services is a fundamental value in the American society. Discipline and education has been the mainstay of prison programs for inmates since the early years of our penal history. However, providing inmates with an education is a controversial issue, and presents a difficult dilemma to be confronted by tax-paying citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Vocational Programs for both Offenders and Non-Offenders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are many conflicting opinions regarding whether we should strive to rehabilitate rather than to merely punish inmates. Yet, when one carefully considers the average cost to provide quality education against the cost of keeping one inmate adequately housed and fed for one year in a state or federal institution, the question becomes, How can we afford not to educate?
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Meteora by Linkin Park free essay sample
Meteora: Linkin Parks’s golden gem. Meteora is the second album released by Linkin Park. It was released in 2003 and has sold over 10 million copies since. People can expect the usual Linkin Park style but with a little more experimentation. Songs like â€Å"Faint†, â€Å"Somewhere I Belong†, and â€Å" Breaking the Habit†that are featured in the album are why people love Linkin Park. But the real ace in the whole is â€Å"Numb†which is believed by many to be Linkin Park’s best song ever made. Songs from this album are similar to the ones from Linkin Park’s first album, Hybrid, but not quite the same. They seem to have added a hint of the unknown and mystery in there songs with a deeper meaning. Most Albums are very repetitive and all of their songs are the same with different lyrics, but Meteora changes it up by delivering an album of different songs that each could’ve become a hit in the top 10 when it was released. We will write a custom essay sample on Meteora by Linkin Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would highly recommend this album because it has some of the best Linkin Park songs, and it has sold over 10 million copies what else do I have to say.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Summary of Lorenzo essays
Summary of Lorenzo essays In the movie, Lorenzo's Oil, the true story of Lorenzo Odone and his family's fight to save his life is vividly prtrayed. The movie examines the ravaging effects of a disorder called ALD is a rare, genetic disorder characterized by the breakdown or loss of the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells in the brain and progressive dysfunction of the adrenal gland. There are different types of ALD. The type that Lorenzo has is the most severe. It affects only boys and usually occurs between the ages of 4 and 10. The movie begins by showing 5 year old Lorenzo in perfect health, running and playing as other boys his age. Then, he suddenly becomes ill. At first his behavior begins to change. Lorenzo, who had been a very loving and friendly child, begins to show aggression and hyperactivity in school. Shortly thereafter, he becomes physically ill. Lorenzo's diagnosis is very bleak. The doctors explain to his parents, Augusto and Michaela, that their son has a rare incurable disease that will cause his brain to deteriorate and he will die within a couple of years. As Lorenzo's father begins to research this disease, he reads a list of symptoms that Lorenzo would soon face: seizures, loss of muscle tone, stiffness and contracture deformities, swallowing difficulties and further signs of damage to the brain tissue. As the disease would progress, symptoms would include paralysis, hearing loss, visual impaired Augusto and Michaela refuse to accept this. They begin to research and find that there is a link between certain foods and the disorder that their son has. They immediately begin to limit his dietary intake of these foods such as peanut butter, spinich, and other foods rich in the saturated fatty acids (VLCSFA). At first Lorenzo begins to show progress with the level of ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Dispositions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dispositions Paper - Essay Example Dispositions essential for an early childhood educator An early childhood educator should delight in the development of children and have a curiosity about the same. This will allow them to have a strong liking for children and be able to approach and interact with them in and out of class every time and not only when direction or correction is needed (Kidd et al 316). According to Danielson et al (235), playing forms an essential part in the life of a child and their proper development. Therefore, an early childhood educator should value children’s play. This disposition will motivate them to arrange the environment, provide opportunity and materials for play, and be part of it either by watch closely or active participation. They will not find themselves interrupting play and replacing it with teacher-directed activities. The world is dynamic and some of these changes bring challenges in the way we handle and deal with situations we are used to. The early childhood education al centers are not exempted from these challenges and changes for example changes in children’s behavior due changing social-economic and technological situations in the society. An early childhood educator should therefore expect and welcome continuous challenges and change. ... gence of new circumstances and challenges in the society including children, an early childhood educator should have the will and be ready to take risks and make mistakes. This will allow them to move and perform in new upcoming areas within the early childhood education. It will also enable them to handle situations or issues in the early childhood education set up they have never handled before. Whenever mistakes arise, they take them as important learning opportunities instead of sources of self-condemnation and discouragement. Lack of this disposition leads to rigidity and less interest in professional development (Danielson et al 235). Collaboration is necessary for the attainment of results that individual people cannot achieve to the best or those that can be achieved better if approached or done as a group. This requires that an early childhood educator should seek collaboration and peer support. Peer support is very important especially in tackling challenges that relate dir ectly to the education of young children. An educator with such a disposition will use all opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve with colleagues while requesting or offering help where needed (Thornton 25). Early childhood educators have a significant role in the life of young children to shape, care and protect them due to the much time children spend in school during the day. This requires that early childhood educators should actively advocate for children and teaching practices that are appropriate for them. This disposition will drive them to learn all rights and needs of children in order to ensure that they are provided for. These will include the educational needs required by children for them attain to their best education wise for example the best instructional methods and
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